Sharbat Rehan-More Energy. More Power.

Sharbat Reahn
In the sweltering daylight of summer, in the event that anyone going by one's companion's home, particularly in the Indian sub-mainland, there is a more noteworthy plausibility of getting served the reviving beverage i.e. Sharbat a characteristic concentrated squash cum invigorating syrup acclaimed worldwide for its flavor sherbet, frosty deserts, lemonade, drain formulas, and so forth. Because of its home grown and sweet-smelling flavor, it can be utilized with drain shakes, lassi, falooda, kulfi, phirni, pudding and kheer. It is generally utilized as a part of the blessed month of Ramadan. For the most part, known as the 'late spring beverage of the east' has enduring cooling impacts, gives freshness and vitality in the searing summer. The drink has made its strong stage as a result of its special taste, brilliance equation, aroma and disentangled characteristics. However, the chilling syrup is for the most part not advanced by any famous people yet it has strong base in the market and gives intense rivalry to different syrups. Sharbat Rehan is comprised of two words: A concise audit of the invigorating beverage is being said underneath. In the sweltering daylight of summer, on the off chance that anyone going to one's companion's home, particularly in the Indian sub-mainland, there is a more noteworthy probability of getting served the reviving beverage i.e. Sharbat Rehan. is a characteristic concentrated squash cum reviving syrup well known worldwide for its flavor sherbet, cool deserts, lemonade, drain formulas, and so on. Because of its home grown and sweet-smelling flavor, it can be utilized with drain shakes, lassi, falooda, kulfi, phirni, pudding and kheer. It is broadly utilized as a part of the sacred month of Ramadan. By and large, known as the 'late spring beverage of the east' has enduring cooling impacts, gives freshness and vitality in the singing summer. The drink has made its strong stage as a result of its one of a kind taste, brilliance recipe, scent and disentangled characteristics. However, the chilling syrup is by and large not advanced by any famous people yet it has strong base in the market and gives extreme rivalry to different syrups. Sharbat Rehan is comprised of two words:

The mitigating cooling operator Sharbat Rehan was the revelation of a famous doctor of natural solution. Presently, it is being set up from three New FMGC company research facilities India.

amdard Sharbat Rehan, the chilling operator, is the blend of natural products, herbs, vegetables, blossoms and roots. The special parts of this cooling drink are:

Organic products: Many natural products are utilized as the parts for the drink. The distinctive natural products are pineapple, apple, berries, orange, watermelon, citron, strawberry, raspberry, loganberry, cherry, harmony grapes and blackcurrant.

Vegetables: The essential vegetables, which are the piece of this home grown syrup, are carrot, spinach, mint and Luffa aegyptiaca

Blooms: Flowers are likewise the indispensable piece of this flavorful drink. It covers rose, lemon, orange and (keora) Pandanus fascicularis

Roots: Only one root, which is being utilized as a part of it is vetiver.


  1. Sharbat Rehan is one of the best drinks especially in summer.
    Sharat Rayhan is also beneficial for health: It helps keep our brain cool and keeps the body energetic.
    Piyo Sharbat Rehan,Raho Healthy,Dikho Jawan

    sharbat rehan natural flavour

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have used Sharat Rehan and I love drinking it in hot days. And this is quite good with those other cold drinks that people like to drink but which do not bring any benefit to the body

    sharbat rehan naturally flavour

    i also refer this for for green tea lovers


  4. This tasty herbal sharbat quenches the thirst, gives relief from intensity of heat of the body and from strain & fatigue due to work load. It maintains the mental as well as physical energy during summer seasons. For more information click here herbal sharbat


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